Murder Mansion

by SuperSaiyanGokuX
Murder Mansion
Not for the faint of heart...
Since not a lot of people are playing murder mansion right now. I love werewolf mode but while i play it all the AI seem to not know what the mode is. they look like they are treating it like classic. Is there a way to play werewolf by myself due to few numbers?
The AI should be capable of playing it, but they're not going to be very good at it.

It's the most complicated gamemode in the game, and I never really got he AI to *that* level.

They know the rules, and should be doing their assigned things (if chosen as a Werewolf, they should be going to vote on a victim, killing them, etc. and if a "villager", they should be waking up, looking around for a murder scene, then gathering to share their ideas on who is the culprit ("I saw [so and so] carrying a knife!", etc.) and then casting their votes for the lynch target.

I did notice, though, that sometimes they were really slow in doing their tasks, and would sometimes miss the time limit for that "phase".
The thing is though. no one was killed during the night as far as i could tell. the only time someone got killed was when the murderer accidently killed himself. (at least i think) how many ai do you recommend?
Hmmm. Perhaps they're bugged in some way when it comes to that mode. Once I get back to working on MM (I entered a contest to use the new v500 animation features, and I've been working on that project almost nonstop for the last few weeks) I'll look into it.

As for a recommended number, this mode has a minimum player count of 9 (this was the recommended balance point based on the Werewolf/Mafia/Assassin role-playing game rules that inspired this mode), so anything from 8 AI on up should be fine. (I'd recommend sticking with the minimum, rather than piling a ton of extra bots in there)
Thanks. One more question: is there a way to reduce lag on large maps?
The lag comes from the AI pathfinding routine, and I've never been able to figure out how to reduce it (well, aside from playing with fewer/no bots; but that requires more human players).

I use an old library by Deadron (a BYOND guru from way back in the day) for the pathfinding, and I don't understand it well enough to try to make it more efficient. I may just replace it if I can find something better.

Until then, though, the AI simply do not play well with the larger maps.
It seems that i cant vote for the werewolf as a lynching target. i can vote for other victims though
That would definitely be a bug. Looks like I'm going to have to spend a lot of time messing with the Werewolf mode.