There were quite a few things updated from a while ago that I don't remember about, so there is most definately thing supdated in it that I wont put here. Here is what I remember, and recently added things:
All known bugs were fixed and tested.
All AI movement bugs should be fixed, including them getting stuck in walls, and them standing there like idiots while their bullets smack into walls.
New gun: Mini-missile launcher, which goes around everything to hit what it is goign towards, and it blows up in an explosion doing a lot of damage. It also hits regardless of the person's precision.
Cars can no longer go inside established buildings.
Larrel Buschev now sells Doberman Pinschers.
Rasch Lombardo now sells Pond Puppies.
How many group members in a computer encounter is now determined by how pissed off that gang is at you.
It now displays your enemy relations in your Gangs panel.
*EDIT: Here are some updates I forgot to mention but barely remembered:
Lag issues have been worked on again. Remember how long it took to load each day? No more... It also shows how long the beginning takes to load by displaying the percents.
Because of the lag reduction I did on civillians and gang members, I put the default number of safehouses in the city to 50, and you can now set it anywhere from 30 to 70.
50% of cars are for sale now instead of 33%.
Jun 26 2005, 12:16 am