The /dmp_writer recently was accepted into the channel
DM.Libraries, precipitating it's 1.0 release. I'd tell you about the library, but I've already cut/pasted it's description a great many times today; an full description, along with instructions for use, can be found in the libraries
hub entry. Along with the /dmp_reader, which is also published in DM.libraries, the /dmp_writer can save and load maps at runtime.
/dmp_reader by IainPeregrine |
The /dmp_reader approximates DS's map loading process in order to allow dynamic map loading. The interface is clean and simple, providing one root node, and one public method. |
/dmp_writer by IainPeregrine |
The /dmp_writer approximates DM's map saving process in order to allow dynamic map saving. The interface is clean and simple, providing one root node, and one public method. |
I now have two published libraries... and no published games. Heck, I don't think I have any
finished games. Oy, time to get to work.