You know, 99 days out of 100, I'd say the size of a man's bank account can tell you nothing about the content of his character. But I found out yesterday morning that there are exceptions.

(If you're confused, see this link.)
The good news is that a $1337 balance means you are cool.

The bad news is that is only true if you are a semi-literate 12 year old. :-(

$60065 is a much cooler balance. heheh heh heh boobs. Plus, it's 60 grand!
$60065 is a much cooler balance. heheh heh heh boobs. Plus, it's 60 grand!

Man! I gotta start saving up!
Shouldn't that be $80085?
I guess in his 1337 illiterate mind that 6 represents a lower-case B.

Of course his name isn't in 1337, so he knows nothing! >=)
Now, now, if you click on the Wikipedia article you will see that 1337 is not a hard-bound language, but rather, a rich, diverse tapestry of dialects and idiomatic spellings. Take that, l00X0rz!
y34h, 7h47 15 k001
Dude, leetspeak is all about inconsistent spelling!

But, 80085 would be even better than 60065
because bigger=better!
(ahhh, this takes me back to my days of juvenile calculator tricks in the fourth grade)

80,085 may be nice, but 8,008,135 is much, much better. If you find yourself attaining massive wealth such as this, though, beware. If you get an account balance of 80,081,355, you may be rich, but you'll die a lonely man.

Too bad you don't live in the 31337 zip code like I apparently do.
hahaha @ Mike. We all did the same thing!

Except we still do it in tenth grade... ¬_¬
Ahh yes, calculators, the original text massagers.
My balance says I'm broke. =(
I'm cool, not because my balance is some kind of number which has alternate meanings to silly people, but rather because my balance has been well over $3500 for some time now. ;-)

That's still $3150 USD, too. =)