Due to other commitments, I don't have the time to sit down and really get something done. I do enjoy programming though, so I often have a little side project that I will work on whenever I have some spare time (wether it's 10 minutes or a few hours). These often give me the chance to try out new things and test some new features, without feeling the need to see the games through to completion.
My last one was a little "block drop" game that gave me the chance to test out some particle effects with the animate() proc, I believe there's a .gif of that on the forums somewhere. My latest one is something I've never tried before, a small platformer game, and it's proven to be quite fun.
Anyone else have a little side project that they will mess around with in their free time?
I did have a project I was working on in my free time, but I too have recently decided to attempt a platformer. I have nothing to show regarding my side projects, although the update for Galactic Crisis is almost finished.