Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops

by Zerok Kaiba
Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I was thinking if there was few dbz charaters in this game some people would think it would make the game bad but I think it would be cool to be a dbz charater on this game.
I don't think so.
If this wasnt a pure naruto side scroller maybe but because it is definate No u must really not have been playing long to even suggest this. But if u would like to make ur own dbz sidescroller please do. I think it would be fun to check out.
Harrison1213 wrote:
I was thinking if there was few dbz charaters in this game some people would think it would make the game bad but I think it would be cool to be a dbz charater on this game.

You're kidding right.
Hence the name
NARUTO call of shinobi anbu blackops.