Problem description:
When I log in or Start a new game,
I dont show up on the map and i am stuck with a black screen.
I can get arounf this ny teleporting somewhere onto the map, but doing that is a hassle...
I dont know the slightest bit of what could be wrong so i dont know what to show you guys.
Any help that be given is apreciated..
![]() Apr 12 2010, 7:12 pm
Garthor wrote:
You've overridden mob/Login(). The default action is to put somebody on the first available tile, and so overriding it prevents this action and so you end up nowhere. Very good answer, and it may look something like this, mob player icon = 'player.dmi' Login() loc = locate(/turf/startpoint) ..() (The stuff right after Login() is making the default, go to the turf on the map that is called 'startpoint' and if it can not find it, or for some reason, the mob can not be placed there, it defaults to ..() and that process is basically, putting it in the first possible place on the map (most likely the lower left hand side of the screen... |
You can perform the default action in a proc you've overridden by calling ..() from within it.