"T001" = "name=Test+Quest&category=Test&npc_name=Skynet&desc=Just+do+the+freakin+quest!<BR>Gawd!&actions=Press+Accept&requires=No+requirements+at+all.+But+I+have+to+make+this+really+long+so+I+can+test+the+scrollbar+properly.&rewards=None"
get_quest_data(var/ID as text)
if((ID in Quests) && Quests[ID])
var/list/L = params2list(Quests[ID])
L["npc_name"] = " '[L["npc_name"]]' informs you:"
L["desc"] = "<font color=\"#800040\">[L["desc"]]</font>"
CRASH("Could not retrieve \"[ID]\" quest data.")
setup_quest_window(var/ID as text)
var/list/Data = get_quest_data(ID)
if(!Data || !Data.len) return
for(var/V in Data)
Problem description:
The text successfully outputs to the proper grids. When the text overflows from the grid size (either from wrapping around or from line breaks) the grid cannot scroll, despite the scroll bar appearing.
I tried working around this by adding a blank field to cell [1,2] but it simply jumped past all the clipped text.
I tried cutting the text into lines and putting them in successive cells, but that created two ugly effects: the cell padding and cut off words (pro [line break] perly).
I also tried putting overflow:scroll (and then overflow:auto) in the grid's CSS and enclosing the proper tag around Data[V] to no effect. In fact, I have been unable to get any results from overflow settings, including hidden.
Is there some CSS or setting I can specify to get this to work? Or are grid scroll bars just not perfect?
My goal is scrollable text of varying length, preferably with the scroll bar remaining at the top. Browser objects work, but some of my users are unable to view embedded browsers.
Alternative options are also appreciated.
I found a similar problem in [link] that, although being an older topic, was seemingly unresolved.
(The reply, [link], did not solve the issue. I was hesitant to continue pursuing a solution in another's topic.)
Even if it's just to be told grid scrollbars can't overflow from a single cell entry, I'd appreciate at least knowing that for sure. Then I can move on to alternate solutions.