Problem description:
Since I'm trying to make this user list, a la dungeon master, I was wondering, because I keep getting this one error called type mismatch when using += to add something to a list, what exactly does it mean?
![]() Jun 28 2010, 7:12 pm
![]() Jun 28 2010, 8:25 pm
You are not initializing the list. You need to do L = list() before adding elements to it. For example:
Garthor wrote:
You are not initializing the list. You need to do L = list() before adding elements to it. For example: mob I've got to go, that didn't work. Here's my code, please tell me what's wrong when you get a chance. [code] mob Stat() stat("Gold: ", stat("Oil: ", client.oil) stat("Coal: ", client.coal) stat("Iron: ", client.iron) Login() loc=locate(1,1,1) if(key=="CodeWeasel22") client.oil=50000000 client.coal=50000000 client.iron=50000000 var/newNation=input("What is your country?") as text nationsIndex.Add(newNation) var/newKing=new /mob/king(loc=locate(1,1,1)) client.king=newKing client.unitsList=client.unitsList&&newKing if(client.canSpawn=="true"&&key!="CodeWeasel22") var/newNation=input("What is your nation?") as text nationsIndex.Add(newNation) world << "A new country has been formed, [newNation] ruled by King [key]" var/newX=input("X?") as num var/newY=input("Y?") as num var/newKing=new /mob/king(loc=locate(newX,newY,1)) client.king=newKing client.unitsList+=newKing client.canSpawn="false" client.oil=200 client.iron=200 client.coal=400 verb hireHuman() if(<10) client << "Not enough gold; you have []" if(>=10) var/newHuman=new /mob/human(loc=locate(1,1,1)) newHuman:name=input("What name") as text client.unitsList+=newHuman zoomOut() if(client.view<12) client.view()++ if(client.view==12) client << "Zoomed out to max!" zoomIn() if(client.view==5) client << "Zoomed in to Max!" if(client.view>5) client.view()-- research() var/toLearn=input("What do you wish to learn?") in client.researchOptions callMeeting() name="Call a meeting" desc="Call a meeting of nations" world << "King [client] has called a meeting of nations at the world center!" deposit() worker icon='miner.dmi' human icon='miner.dmi' king icon='king.dmi' var health maxHealth bullets fuel maxFuel isAT selfNation atom tank apc var/global/nationsIndex[100] turf grass icon = 'grass.dmi' snow icon = 'snow.dmi' ice icon = 'Ice.dmi' obj goldOre icon = 'goldOre.dmi' world New() ..() client var iron gold coal oil nation enemies king researchOptions=list("Military","Civil","Industrial") militaryResearchOptions worldBanked canSpawn="true" list unitsList DblClick(toInteract) world << "DblClick detected!, [unitsList], [toInteract]" if(istype(unitsList,/mob/human)&&istype(toInteract,/obj/ goldOre)) usr.client << "Copy, moving to mine." walk_towards(unitsList,toInteract,20) for(unitsList in range(1)) gold+=10000000 [/code] |
client.unitsList=client.unitsList&&newKing This is setting unitsList to newKing, which isn't a list, and hence the error. Presumably, you want the + operator, not the && operator. |
Okay, I removed that and still with these lines it isn't working;
[code] DblClick(toInteract) world << "DblClick detected!, Usr: [usr] [unitsList], [toInteract]" unitsList+=toInteract walk_towards(unitsList,toInteract,0) [/code] |
There are other places where you are treating unitsList as not a list, like at the end of the code snippet you posted previously.
Also: It's <DM> and </DM>, not [code][/code]. |
Is somebody pushing you to finish your game?
You should have all the time it takes to learn, or, if you do not, you hire somebody. |
I am not being rushed, however I came to those who were more experienced for help, and second of all I haven't the money to hire. So can you please just tell me what's wrong?
The variable contains an instance of a mob. It should contain a list. To solve this, stop putting a mob into it.
Note that null + mob = mob. |
Well I may have figured it out, thanks for at least trying to help. I tried to do that, but now when I tell it to output the list all it says is /list.
That's what's supposed to happen.
To put it in layman's terms, you're outputting the list. So that's what you get in the output, an acknowledgment of a list (since lists don't have a name or something else to represent themselves by). At any case, also note since you're outputting one untouched value, you're naturally being displayed a single value. A list is like a container. If you want to see what's inside the list, then you need to look inside it, or in other words go through the things inside, rather than just look at the list. So if you want to output the contents of a list, you need to loop through every item in it and output that. |
CodeWeasel22 wrote:
Well I may have figured it out, thanks for at least trying to help. I tried to do that, but now when I tell it to output the list all it says is /list. There are few things that piss me off more than when somebody fails to follow my advice, finally manage to, on their own, stumble onto the exact same answer I've been giving them, and then thank me for "trying" to help, as if it was my own fault they can't read. |
Quick question, would "var/list/whateverlist=new" work the same as "var/list/whateverlist=list()"?
I do this in my game when making a list and it seems to work fine but if it's going to cause problems in some way then I want to clear it up now while it's on topic. |