So Im trying to have the background image file change based on what nation they are in. right now Im using a if this nation then image=this file system and it works but I have to change a bunch of windows colors so I created an associate list and I got it to work for everything except the background image for the main window. Heres the code
//this is for the windows no real problem with this and the list
var/list/setup=list("Earth Kingdomb"="#7C581B","Earth Kingdom"="#2F4A13","Fire Nationb"="#D68B10","Fire Nation"="#4D1F13","Air Nomadb"="#BE541B","Air Nomad"="#E6B042","Water Tribeb"="#E9F3F5","Water Tribe"="#52628D")
//using this currently for each nation but trying to figure out how to put a variable in the file lookup
if(src.Nation=="Earth Kingdom")
Im trying to do some can of entry for the file name in the list and have it load it that way so something like this
You'd have to handle it differently, for example by matching the identifier to the resource file reference.