Every once in ahwile this motnh, I have been going out to look for a job. I still haven't had any luck yet, but I guess I must keep at it...besides, I live here, in Jonesboro, GA a,d there's quite a lot of businesses around here. Oppurtunity shall come, and hopefully I'll be ready to jump at it when it comes. If anybody has any helpful hints, it would be most appreciated. I've had this serious lack of motivation for about 1 - 2 years, so meh, but I'm trying. Maybe I should start work on the website and the game I wanted to get going...
Use the internet to find the places. I mean, I have A LOT of trouble finding a job that isn't fast food, but I get the most opportunities from the net. I get mine from, so I bet you have a similar site in your state.