In response to Spunky_Girl
Look you got a spunkyGirl to do the work for you! LUCKY :D
I was actually curious myself so I decided to do a quick test.
In response to Spunky_Girl
The world needs more Spunky Girls like you. Here's a cookie
Well... That went creepy fast.

In response to Ter13
Cookies have that power #COOKIESFOREVERYONE!
No love for the HAL? That's cold, PAL.
In response to Doohl
Hal you need to reach level 80 to evolve into Skynet..
What am I reading? Come on guys, this is a development help topic.
I added that code but now m ynpc dont move at all,even when i walk past them
Fact is you don't know what the codes we're providing you with actually do, so there's no use in giving more really. Read the Guide and Reference, fidget around with the code yourself and come to understand what each section does
I understand it, but not fully.. i tried experiment ad change, i did it with 0 errors but they npc werent doing what they were spposed to..
I tested out the code, it made the npc activate but they wouldn't move around, i think something might be wrong in my npc walk code..

The code:
        ai_random_wander()//random wander if no mobs are in range to attack
if(src.key)//if the source is human
return//don't call the rest
walk_rand(src,10)//walk randomly with 5 lag
spawn(10)//delay for one tick
ai_random_wander()//wander some more
In response to Naruto 5292
Why are you telling the program to go back if they are human instead of activating the npc....
Your welcome.
BTW, unless you make a deactivate state its going to stay active even when you walk away....
ya,i just want to know if this would work to deactivate the npc
                for(mob/M in view(6,8))
M.NpcActive = 0//activate the mob
In response to Naruto 5292
You can't call more then one number in view.
no, i want its so when the person is not in the npc view then the npc is deacitavted how do i do that then??
so can someone just tell me how to do that??I cant figure out how to do it
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