I'm using Forum_account's pixel movement demo for my game Luxys and I'm having an interesting issue.

When I'm jumping and playing a wav sound file the game seems to lag a bit while it "loads" the file. As if it is continuously wiped from the cache and has to be reapplied.

The odd thing is: it only happens to certain wav files and if I start up Paint.Net (an image editor) and create a new image (I must create new from within the program) then it stops. I literally have no more issues with the game, it becomes smooth as silk once I open up that program. I'm wondering if I have issues with my .NET Framework or if there is something wrong with Dream Seeker that has caused it to inexplicably rely on that program being open.

I don't exactly know what's going on but I've done wipes of the RSC and DMB through clean compiles and manual deletion.

Note: At one point I had Paint.Net and Dream Maker running when there was a power surge and my computer lost power. This issue only arose AFTER that instance. Is it safe to say the programs may have become corrupted and somehow linked to one another?
Please give me your thoughts, anything will help.

Somehow linked - totally impossible, more likely some .dll isn't loading properly, but Paint.Net does load it on startup.
You shouldn't be using a .wav file. Find a .wav to .ogg converter.