In your mind, what's the best interface design for attracting serious attention?

Please keep in mind I'm right handed...
It depends on the game. There is no "best interface".

In order to understand interfaces, you need to understand how your players are going to play your game. In order to design an interface around that, you need to understand how people play similar games.

In short, interface design cannot be summed up easily. It's a topic that will require a lot of in-depth study.

Take a look at this, though: VoidGames?command=view_post&post=1393070#comment6853157

A clean, intuitive, and well-designed interface is very important for a game. You can see the above example capitalizes heavily on the RPG trope. It has the basics of what I need, and they are layed out in a method that is both intuitive, as well as aesthetically pleasing.

Looking at your games, you seem to be ignoring what makes real games, and not BYOND games successful. Take a look around at professional and even indy games. You will likely find that your current interface designs resemble none of them. --This is a problem, and it will take a lot of time and study to address.
... Now your talking. Dang, but that's going to be a hell trying to be on that level.