Where in the world is Dantom del Byondo (a.k.a. Tom)? Help us find out and win cool prizes!
To avoid turning this into a boring "list every possible destination within a 100-mile radius" exercise, let's lay down some ground rules for this contest. As you can tell, this was not planned out in advance, but hopefully we can make it a fun contest for everyone. I'd like to get as much participation as possible, both because it'll help us, and because it should be fun for the community.

  1. To win a prize, be the first person to correctly identify Tom's destination for a particular day of his trip. June 10th was day #1. For your entry, specify the day # (or calendar date) and the location you are guessing. Post it in the comments for this blog.
  2. If nobody guesses the exact destination before that day's postcard is posted, the closest geographically will get a consolation prize (to be determined).
  3. Each person can only enter one location guess per day of Tom's trip. If you already entered multiple guesses for postcard #2, please repost your best guess for each day. Also, no alternate keys, please.
  4. You may enter your guesses for multiple days into the future if you like (there's nothing stopping you from guessing day #20 right now, because hey, if you get it, you'll beat everyone else). You may also change your guess for a particular day as many times as you like until it is posted. The last entered guess is the only one that's counted.
  5. As I now know from postcard #2, some postcards will apparently cover multiple days of Tom's trip. When a postcard arrives, I will post which days it covers and give a final deadline (usually about 24 more hours) for contestants to make entries for those days.

Prizes for the first few winners will include the choice of 3 extra months added to their BYOND Membership, or expanded file hosting space with an additional 20 MB space and 2 GB transfer. I'm open to suggestions for other BYOND-related prizes of similar value. If several rounds go unclaimed, the prizes may get bigger.

Postcard 2 has arrived!

Postcard 2 covers days 2 and 3. I will post it by the end of Tuesday June 20th, BYOND Standard Time (US Pacific Daylight). That's just under 23 hours from now.
Day 1, June 10th, 2006, North Bonneville, WA.
Day 2, June 11th, 2006, The Dalles, OR.
Day 3, June 12th, 2006, Arlington, OR.
BYOND 4.0 would be a better prize. >_>