set category = "Misc."
usr.overlays += 'rpbubble.dmi'
var/msg = input("Roleplay") as message | null
if(msg == null || msg == "" || !(length(msg)))
usr.overlays -= 'rpbubble.dmi'
msg = " " + msg
var/i = findtext(msg, " \"") // Look for the " in the message.
while(i)// When it finds the "
var/msgStart = copytext(msg, 1, i) + " <font color = white>\"" //+ copytext(msg,i+length("\"")+1))
var/msgEnd = copytext(msg,i+length("\"")+1)
var/check = findtext(msgEnd, "\"")
var/check2 = findtext(msgEnd, "\".")
var/check4 = findtext(msgEnd, "\"\n")
msgEnd = copytext(msgEnd,1, check) + "\" </font><font color = yellow>" + copytext(msgEnd, check+length("\"")+1)
else if(check2)
msgEnd = copytext(msgEnd,1, check2) + "\" </font><font color = yellow>." + copytext(msgEnd, check2+length("\"")+1)
else if(check4)
msgEnd = copytext(msgEnd,1, check4) + "\" </font><font color = yellow>" + copytext(msgEnd, check4+length("\""))
msg = msgStart + msgEnd
i = findtext(msg, " \"")
i = findtext(msg, " (") // Look for the " in the message.
while(i)// When it finds the "
var/msgStart = copytext(msg, 1, i) + " <font color = #52F3FF>(" //+ copytext(msg,i+length("\"")+1))
var/msgEnd = copytext(msg,i+length("(")+1)
var/check = findtext(msgEnd, ")")
var/check2 = findtext(msgEnd, ").")
var/check4 = findtext(msgEnd, ")\n")
msgEnd = copytext(msgEnd,1, check) + ") </font><font color = yellow>" + copytext(msgEnd, check+length(")")+1)
else if(check2)
msgEnd = copytext(msgEnd,1, check2) + ") </font><font color = yellow>." + copytext(msgEnd, check2+length(")")+1)
else if(check4)
msgEnd = copytext(msgEnd,1, check4) + ") </font><font color = yellow>" + copytext(msgEnd, check4+length(")"))
msg = msgStart + msgEnd
i = findtext(msg, " (")
if(!( in RPLogs))
RPLogs[] = list()
RPLogs[] += "[time2text(world.realtime,"(Month Day, YYYY) hh:mm:ss")] RP: [usr] [html_encode(msg)]<br>"
hearers(10,usr) << "<font color = yellow><b>[] [msg]</b></font>" // Send it out!
hearers(10,usr.client.eye) << "<FONT FACE=Arial COLOR=#FFFFFF>[] says: [html_encode(msg)]</FONT>"
for(var/AP/A in view(10,usr.client.eye))
A.owner << "<font color = yellow><b>[] [msg]</b></font>"
for(var/mob/M in world)
M << output("<font color = #0174DF><b>[][html_encode(msg)]</b></font>","DefaultOutput.output2")
spawn() if(LogStuff&&usr&&usr.client) text2file("RP: [usr], [msg]<br>", "logs/[].[usr.client ? usr.key : "AI"].txt")
usr.overlays -= 'rpbubble.dmi'
Problem description:
I fixed the crash bug before.
There apparently is a problem, at the moment, where if you end a paragraph in the message with a end quotation, it makes <fon"
ellow> then the next paragraph as output.
How can I fix this verb to show the white dialog just fine, even at end of paragraphs?
testing "testing"
Asellia testing "testing"
testing "testing" testing "testing"
Asellia testing "testing" <font col" r = yellow>testing "testing"
I say this because I really can't figure out what it is you are actually trying to do there, which makes it impossible for me to provide advice beyond saying that you are probably doing things in a manner that is five times more complicated than it needs to be.