var/list/one = list("super",3)
var/list/two = list("duper",6,77)
var/list/three = list()
var/list/four = list()
var/list/numbers = list()


var/onee = numbers[1]
for(var/x in onee)
src << x

var/twoo = numbers[2]
for(var/x in twoo)
src << x

src << "SIZE: [numbers.len]"

set category = "TEST"

Problem description:
So basically what I have here are 4 lists stored in a single list for easier reference. However, when I have just that single list and want to look up the contents of one of the lists inside, it doesn't even acknowledge it. Also, when I test the size of the single list, it returns 5 (the total number of contents) and not 2 (the total number of lists in that single list).
list.Add() does not behave as you seem to think it would.
The reference clearly explains that 'If an argument is itself a list, each item in the list will be added', opposed to adding lists and creating a multi dimensional list (a list of lists).

I suggest reading through chapter 10 (Lists) of the guide.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Thank you!