var/Test1="Let's hope this works! <br><br><center><button onClick=EventCheck(Test)>Cross your fingers!</button>"

Problem description:
Unfortunately I knew this wouldn't work as I typed it.
I just don't know how to pass a procedure through HTML. If
anybody could explain how one would pass a procedure through an HTML button that would be awesome! I'm also open to alternative routes of going about this if you think it would be more efficient!
Thanks for reading!
You should look up javascript because that's where the function would be called upon in that format.
In response to GhostAnime
Jeknies! Javascript? D:

It wasn't my intent to learn an entirely new programming language in order to pursue this button. Thanks for the heads up, but I guess I'll find away around the use of this function.
In response to GhostAnime
Hehe, you know what actually? I just found Shadowdarke's sd_alert lib and it was so useful! It actually contained exactly what I was looking for! Thanks anyway!