I don't really have any code to show for this...

The main thing is, I have a message that says [src] has logged out. in the mob/Logout(). This works fine, but it seems that whenever someone logs in and presses Load, it tells everyone that their key logged out, then their character's name logs in. I am sure there is a perfectly logical explanation for this, I would just like to know what it is so I can stop this from happening. Should I change the message to client/Del()?
Logout() and Login() are called when a player changes mobs. Loading from a savefile creates a new mob and moves the client to that new mob. If you don't want the code that you have placed in Logout() and Login() to be executed when a player changes mobs, place it somewhere more appropriate, such as client/New() and client/Del().
In response to Garthor
Alright, that was what I was thinking. Thank you.