Aaiko's on the right track so far. I haven't seen him make a wrong guess (yet).
So, I'm going to be original. Fort Vancouver, OR [edit]on June 11th if we're saying this.[/edit] It just seems like a place Tom's going. |
The Dalles, OR on June 11th.
White Salmon, WA on June 11th. Bingen, WA on June 11th. Mosier, OR on June 11th. Goldendale, WA on June 11th. |
It has to be one of those. Mose likely The Dalles or Goldendale. Since he's not going north towards Mount St Helens, he has to be going east.
Meh, oh well. I'll try to beat you Aaiko.
With a bat. Or a stick. I just want to beat you. =( |
My final guess is Goldendale, WA on June 11th.
Since that's what Mike's post said to do. <__< |
Oh, snap!