set name = "View Clans"
set category = "Commands"
var/html = {"
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">
<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b>Clan List (The Clans Going to Show By Creation Date)<br>Clan Count:</td></tr>
<tr><td><font color = white><b>Clan Name<th><font color = white>Members<th><font color = white>Leader</th></td></tr>"}
for(var/clan/c in clans)
html+={"<tr><td><b><font color = white><a href=?Action=ClanInformation&src=\ref[src]>[]</a><th><font color = white>[c.members.len]<th><font color = white>[c.owner]</th></td></tr>"}
src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")
var/html = {"
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">
html+={"<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b><br>Members: [c.members]</td></tr>"}
src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")
Problem description:It shows /list where it need to show a player and it shows every single clan when someone clicks on one
You need to pass on the clan reference along with the mob reference so client.Topic() knows which clan to read.
Once you do that, instead of doing for(var/clan/c) which is shortcut for for(var/clan/c in world) you can just use do something like var/clan/c = locate(clanreference).
For your last problem about members outputting /list that's because you're not looping through the list. You need to do something like: So that for each iteration it'll add to the html text file and skip a line.