set name = "View Clans"
set category = "Commands"
var/html = {"
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">
<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b>Clan List (The Clans Going to Show By Creation Date)<br>Clan Count:</td></tr>
<tr><td><font color = white><b>Clan Name<th><font color = white>Members<th><font color = white>Leader</th></td></tr>"}

for(var/clan/c in clans)
html+={"<tr><td><b><font color = white><a href=?Action=ClanInformation&src=\ref[src]>[]</a><th><font color = white>[c.members.len]<th><font color = white>[c.owner]</th></td></tr>"}

src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")

var/html = {"
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">

html+={"<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b><br>Members:

src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")

Problem description:It shows /list where it need to show a player and it shows every single clan when someone clicks on one

Hassanjalil wrote:
> mob/verb/View_Clans()
> set name = "View Clans"
> set category = "Commands"
> var/html = {"
> <table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">
> <head><title>Credits</title></head>
> <body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
> <tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b>Clan List (The Clans Going to Show By Creation Date)<br>Clan Count:</td></tr>
> <tr><td><font color = white><b>Clan Name<th><font color = white>Members<th><font color = white>Leader</th></td></tr>"}

> for(var/clan/c in clans)
> html+={"<tr><td><b><font color = white><a href=?Action=ClanInformation&src=\ref[src]>[]</a><th><font color = white>[c.members.len]<th><font color = white>[c.owner]</th></td></tr>"}
> src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")

You need to pass on the clan reference along with the mob reference so client.Topic() knows which clan to read.

> client/Topic(href,list[])
> switch(list["Action"])
> if("ClanInformation")
> var/html = {"
> <table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">
> <head><title>Credits</title></head>"}

> for(var/clan/c)
> html+={"<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
> <tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b><br>Members:
> src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")

Problem description:It shows /list where it need to show a player and it shows every single clan when someone clicks on one

Once you do that, instead of doing for(var/clan/c) which is shortcut for for(var/clan/c in world) you can just use do something like var/clan/c = locate(clanreference).

For your last problem about members outputting /list that's because you're not looping through the list. You need to do something like:
for(var/mob/M in members) html +=
So that for each iteration it'll add to the html text file and skip a line.