usr.verbs -= typesof(/mob/dueling/verb)

usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/dueling/verb)

usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/commands/verb)

Problem description:
compile failed (possible infinite cross-reference loop). Okay I have never ever had this problem before. the same thing came up for all three codes.

The first one is when I lower my Deck and Duel Disk. This should remove all the verbs in that category.

The second is when I Raise my Deck and Duel Disk. this should gain all the verbs under the duel catagory.

The third however, is when I grant verbs in login. here is the login data:

usr<< "<B><center><font color = red>Welcome to Duel Monsters Game"
world<< "<B><font color = red>Duel Monsters Game World Data:</font> [usr] ([usr.key]) Has Joined the Game."
icon = 'people.dmi'
icon_state = "player 1"
loc = locate (50,50,1)
usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/voice/verb)
usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/person/verb)
usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/commands/verb)

I am very noob coder, so this might be a basic question to you people that are experts =).

There's nothing wrong with the code you've displayed, but there's something wrong with the verbs themselves.
This error happens when you attempt to remove verbs in a verb or proc of the same type. You probably have a verb under <code>/mob/dueling</code> that removes those verbs. A simple fix is to define a proc out of that context (ie. a global proc) that removes the verbs for you, getting rid of the circular reference.

M.verbs -= typesof(/mob/dueling/verb)

In response to Unknown Person
Thank you that worked.