Yes, you can guess it. Another graphical update on The Volcano: Soldiers! I drawed the soldiers. Yeah, I've been avoiding doing-this for a while(laziness). But it has to happen once, so I did.

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Neat! I don't like their mouths though, they look a little weird. Otherwise, good job!
why does no one wear clothes :(
Dunno. I haven't added clothing yet. =P

Thanks, Arjoe. But now that you mention it- the mouths suddenly look weird to me, too. I'll see what I can do about it.
You grass is a little boxy <.<
No offense.
Boxy? Meh, I don't see it being boxy..

EDIT: nevermind, now I see it. >.>
I drawed the soldiers.
ooh. Typo!

But, y'know, adding an asterik(*) after or before your correction would've made things clear a bit better. =/
No, drawn is incorrect too.
to draw - drew - have drawn.

Drawn is a correct word, although it is incorrect to use it in that specific sentence in which the typo can be located.
What the hell is up with that tree?
eerrr? What the hell is wrong with it? >_>