When renaming an open file to a different file type altogether, the editor did not close; attempting to close it afterward caused a crash.
BYOND Version:500
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 30.0.1599.66
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (506.1247)

This issue has been resolved.
If I try to create a code file but accidentally set it to .dmi, then manually rename it(via right clicking >> Rename in Dream Maker) to have a .dm file extension, then go to another file and go back (Hopefully to have it set to the .dm file!), Dream Maker crashes.

To reproduce, just do what I said. Create a .dmi, rename the extension to .dm, then go to another file and then try to go back to the new .dm file.

ALSO: Once you reopen the project, the file is changed correctly.
Which 500 build are you using? I've made several fixes related to renaming files already. It's important in Beta Bugs to specify which minor build it is.

On your reproduction steps, I'm also not clear on what you mean by "go to" and "go back". Are you referring to opening those files? Switching tabs?
I believe I am using the latest (500.1212), but I am reinstalling to make sure, mainly due to another issue I'm having with maps.

And yes, I am referring to opening the files via double clicking them in Dream Maker.
In the tabbed DreamMaker case:

New -> Code File -> Test.dmi
DMI Editor opens.
Right click on Test.dmi -> Rename ->
Close the open DMI Editor.
Stephen001 changed status to 'Verified'
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
When renaming an open file to a different file type altogether, the editor did not close; attempting to close it afterward caused a crash.