M.ZLVL="Pallet Town"
Problem description:I have created a var which will store town name now the problem is i want when player enters to the area it should change ZLVL town name to The name i wanted to but it dont change anything
Ok, well, as far as I know I am pretty sure you can rename the area like that and I have tested it, and it does work, you can also let the usr or whom ever know when it changes by displaying some sort of text to them... This changed the area in my test demo from Pallet Town to Poop Town, and also displayed the text I implemented. Hopefully this helps you and achieves the goal you were trying to obtain, and I can bet ya there is probably a better way to go about doing this, but if this isn't what you were wanting to do, go ahead and explain in more detail and I will continue with the best of my ability to assist you.