The following code as you will be able to see when posted below will on client/del save the player as a check and then create a new datum called logoutter this is just a simple datum that watches over the player mob until the time for deletion comes. anyway onto the code.
Code: First up we have the datum and client/del
if(!istype(mob,/mob/human/player)) return //just making sure it only does players.
mob.Save() //saving the mob.
new /logoutter(src.mob) //creating the datum using the mob as a argument.
mob.key = null //i wipe the key here so that its not connected to any client. this is so that on relog it doesn't put them back into the mob.
//the reason it is done like this is because i have 3 slots and they may not want to be in the same mob. despite it being 10secs before deletion.
var/mob/human/reffer //holding the mob for later use.
src.tag = "logoutter |[p.ckey]|[]|" //safety check later it needs to match both the name and ckey.
reffer = p //set the mob reference here for later use.
world << "0.[reffer] = [reffer.x] - [reffer.y] - [reffer.z]" // IMPORTANT DBG TEXT -- when ran this displays the mobs co-ords properly as there meant to be. lets say its 7-7-7 for this
src.DelayedSaveDel(p) //launch proc
Del(client/c) //del with a client argument.
if(c) //make sure it has a client.
world << "1.[reffer] = [reffer.x] - [reffer.y] - [reffer.z]" // IMPORTANT DBG TEXT -- For some reason reffer's co-ords become 0-0-0
reffer.key = c.key //make the inactive zombie mob have the players key. inturn swapping the client over.
world << "2.[reffer] = [reffer.x] - [reffer.y] - [reffer.z]" //it becomes 2-2-2 here.
world << "[P] has Successfully logged out."
del P
Code: next up is the load and other stuff.
client/proc/Load(playerslot, playername) //first is slot from 1-3, second is the name so "Midgetbuster"
var/savefile/F = new(savedir)
var/logoutter/loutter = locate("logoutter |[src.ckey]|[playername]|") //match "logoutter |midgetbuster|Midgetbuster|" to a logutter datum
loutter.Del(src) // run the del
src << "System: You have reconnected to your mob."
F["/Slot[playerslot]"] >> src.mob //otherwise we just pull it from the savefile.
world << "[src.mob]/[ckey] has Logged into the world"
Now im unsure if its clear in there in any case what is happening is when the mob regains a client it is meant to stay in the same location. instead it gets hurled back to the first available tile and im unsure why this is the case.
I have looked over most of my code and i cant seem to figure out why this is occuring.
If anyone has insight onto this or ways to improve this it would be greatly appreciated.
Also, where do you call client/Load?