Problem description:

When using HDKMouseKeys, or any library or code that uses javascript, this error pops up on my options window just after "...connected".

winset: Element javascript not found.

I believe it's the cause of all the mouse control issues in Tanx. I'm wondering if this is a bug or just an error that can be corrected on my end.

I figured I'd make a post here and get others opinions before creating a bug report.
Windows 7 and I got the same issue buddy. Except HDK Mouse and Keys works fine for me, Options and Messages won't show me that line with HDK MaK, but Tanx will.
In response to Truseeker
Single core or dual? And are you the one that is hosting?
In response to Bravo1
No, I'm not hosting, but I have a Dual Core
In response to Truseeker
Then it's a problem with java, any dual core can run the game efficiently, more than efficiently it seems. It's a widespread problem amongst multiple platforms and the only possible reason it could be happening is because of byond talking with java.

Once again, I would say it's my own code, but it works just fine for some people, and then for others, it's terrible. If it didn't work for everyone then I'd be looking at myself to blame.
I'm not sure what problem everyone else was having, but the problem I was having is that the turret wouldn't always move.

I'm not on Windows XP, I've got Windows 7 64-bit.

I only played offline as well.
In response to Complex Robot
I'll update the game soon and then let Vrocaan host it. Maybe it's just a single player issue, which may narrow things down a bit.
In response to Bravo1
JavaScript worked on my one computer before, and now it doesn't. It still works on my other computer, and I'm trying to take care not to screw around with anything that might break it there too.

Still, there's not much info I can give that could lead to a solution to this problem. I'm on Windows 7 x64.