SwapMaps_SaveChunk("Maps\\NewMap[rand(1,9999)]", locate(2,2,1), locate(10,10,1));
Problem description:
runtime error: bad output
proc name: Save (/swapmap/proc/Save)
source file: SwapMaps.dm,378
usr: Tsfreaks (/mob)
src: /swapmap (/swapmap)
call stack:
/swapmap (/swapmap): Save()
SwapMaps SaveChunk("Maps\\NewMap7741", the grass (2,2,1) (/turf/grass), the grass (10,10,1) (/turf/grass))
Proc SaveMap("DefaultMap")
Tsfreaks (/mob): SaveMap()
It seems that in order for me to access the .sav file correctly, I need to run it hosted. I do not have the same problem when running from another project. I vaguely recall some special setting I need to change but can't recall what it is.