I am using this as a alternative to the old fashioned level up to gain skills for my game Spirit Desolation I am aware that this is a old demo but I love the classics anyway this is my issue when I click the verb it is supposed to change my view to the skill tree but its not doing it

for(var/I in client.images) if(I)
del I
client.eye = src
Skill_Tree = 0
src << "You are now viewing the Skill Tree."
Skill_Tree = 1
client.eye = locate (11,151,2)

any help with this would be really be appreciated

I don't think I have where would i place it
I tried both methods and still the same problem
its fine I am still new as well
In response to Wrath69
This could be done more easily(and probably better) with a second map element in a popup pane. You can assign screen objects to secondary maps with the syntax:


This will allow you to show your skill tree without covering up your default map, without screwing with client.eye(and thus causing your player to lose sight of his normal view), and is more flexible in terms of interface design.
In response to Robertbanks2
how would I Implament this
In response to Wrath69
Wrath69 wrote:
how would I Implament this

You make a second map element, with the ID map2, then use screen objects to create a second HUD in map2. These objects function as your skill tree, and can be assigned placement on map2 by using:

screen_loc = "map2:x,y"

You could set up multiple skill trees by simply loading different hud sets onto the map with typesof() and proper type paths. For example, a warrior skill tree might work like this:



for(var/x in typesof(obj/HUD/ST/Warrior/)
screen += new x

This would allow the players to click on the HUD objects and, provided they have skill points, increase their proficiency in that skill by tracking their proficiency in a list of their skills. It would be on map2, with the starting skills on bottom, and with a space between each skill to keep track of any prerequisite skills(bash is required for slame in this instance).

This example is a VERY basic demo of this function, and you should really play around with it yourself to get a feel for how you want things to work.
In response to Robertbanks2
OK this setup is kind of like divine travelers second hud I had a issue with that I got him to help me get it to show up but then I cant get it to show my verbs after I buy the skill and the only way I was able to get it to give me the skill bombed out on me when i realized that it only worked for the one skill
i dont get why we still do the whole move view to the skilltree when you could just make it appear in a new window
In response to Mastergamerx
Well I had a second map element set up for my skin which is still there but like i said previously I had to scrap that thought till I can get it to give me verbs when i buy the skill
In response to Wrath69
Wrath69 wrote:
OK this setup is kind of like divine travelers second hud I had a issue with that I got him to help me get it to show up but then I cant get it to show my verbs after I buy the skill and the only way I was able to get it to give me the skill bombed out on me when i realized that it only worked for the one skill

I imagine it is very similar, it's the same general idea. If you're having trouble showing your skills, you probably need a better skill system. Verbs are a terrible, horrible, ugly, and generally unpleasant method of using skills.

Possibly make your skills into objects that are stored in your contents and displayed via HUD or in a grid or something. It's much easier to handle that way. Then all you need to do is give each skill tree HUD object a variable that references the skill object and add a new one to your contents if you don't already have one. Then, when you want to use them, you don't call a verb, you click on them or press an associated macro key(like 1-9) that activates the skill.
In response to Robertbanks2
Is there a demo or a Article that can provide a example of this process mainly the grid thing and the skills into objects I have gotten a long way with my game but I am still learning sorry if it seems like im askin for to much help
In response to Wrath69
Wrath69 wrote:
Is there a demo or a Article that can provide a example of this process mainly the grid thing and the skills into objects I have gotten a long way with my game but I am still learning sorry if it seems like im askin for to much help DreamMakers?command=view_post&post=33352

That's a tutorial for dealing with skins. It includes grids.

Turning your skills into objects is as simple as taking your verbs and moving it to the skill object's Click() proc.
In response to Robertbanks2
ok wish me luck lol