var/obj/waterwave/I = new /obj/waterwave
var/obj/waterwave/K = new /obj/waterwave
var/obj/waterwave/J = new /obj/waterwave
if(src.dir == NORTH)
I.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
K.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
J.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
if(src.dir == SOUTH)
I.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
K.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
J.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
if(src.dir == EAST)
I.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
K.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
J.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
if(src.dir == WEST)
I.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
K.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
J.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
Problem description:
I got everything coded right, no errors, but i tried edit the x and y a million times and can not put in correct direction. At first i thought it might be like X and Y chart, where x is left to right and y is up and down. Can anyone explain or help me it suppose be one tiles ahead of usr and 3tiles wide.
2. Your x,y assumption was correct. Right now they're all be created under you.