I hear alot of people talking about how they are always being "abused" by staff in other games. Same deals with hosts and all other forms of power.
So the real question is, how do you hire a good staff member? Well, I'm far from the best administrator in the world. But I think I do a decent job at least.
The first thing I think of is: "Did they ask?"
In which case, if they did. They score and automatic N.O. Never hire anyone who asks[period]
Why? Because they -want- the power. They feel the need to have it. And what happens when people who want power get it? They let it go to their head.
The next thing I look at is: "SSJsuperGogeta_San_MasterofallVegeto23242." Terribley anoying keys. A key like this, will be instantally overlooked. Why you ask? Because I just have a negative feeling towards these keys. Or I'm far too lazy to type them in the list. Either way.
A key aspect: "tlks liek dis haha."
Lets face it. I'm far from the best speller. I must typo almost every 5th - 10th word. But at least I try to get things right. Anyone who disreguards their respective language, is an instant fail. They might as well of just asked.
If a player sounds like an idiot, they are an idiot. And if a staff member can't communicate with players. There is a problem.
People I know are also key factors when choosing a staff member. I'll never pick some random player out of the blue. If a person I know from another game, rather well, decides they like my game and are willing to hang about. Then by all means, I'll grant them staff abilities. I trust them, they like the game. Giving a win-win situation.
Activity: How active is the chosen player? No sense giving power to someone who is online once every blue moon (full moon twice in one month).
Racism/Sexism: Anyone who shows signs of racism or sexism will not only fail. I will repremand them myself for expressing such ideals. One thing I don't tollerate is these two. Jokes I'm -okay- with. But if I feel it's going to far, or people are starting to get offended. I'll cease the activity.
Trust: This is the final aspect. If I can't trust the user... Well, that's just it, isn't it. If a person lies to me, then there is no trust. And lying in itself is a sign of disrespect.
As for hosts:
They are the very bottom of the food chain as far as power goes. Sure, it's there server, but it's my project. I'm the one who slaved over a laptop screen to produce works of art. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let some slimy little -censored- mess around with my playerbase because they have a hard-on for control. Any and all host powers can be removed, and systems will/are installed to see a host doesn't get hosting verbs if I add them to a blacklist. Plus a niffty little libary I have access to, thanks to Mobius, once more. I can make sure they don't try and fool my system.
Most of these ideas came from Mobius Evalon. But I've twisted and added to a few of them. Those are my rules for staff members. What are your ideas?
Jun 18 2006, 8:31 am
Souns good to me.
Heh, I would still have a good day, were he not still acting like an ass, and Reno going along with it.
I called him a moron and said that his arrogance was so vast that he lost his mod position Reno: You don't know his current position on being a mod, so stfu Kica. Anyway, he (Fuzz) made me utterly depressed in IU yesterday. I felt like a goddamn rapist, and he just laughed. Funny thing that nobody said a damn thing while I was cursing him out. I'm not going back to that insult-fest any more. Fuzz just targets me for mental attacks, so fuck 'em. |
Don't worry. If Fuzzy keeps going the way he is, he'll follow KD onto that ban list, come hell or high water.
It wont be the first time I've banned him. |
Heh, I won't be coming back until he leaves. But then again, none of you typically care, so enjoy my time away from the game.
If a player sounds like an idiot, they are an idiot.
I don't like that comment, because some people AREN'T what they seem, for instance: Uub says: hur. hur. hur. hur. hur. hur. hur. hur. hur. But he isnt an idiot is he. (much >_>) |
... I don't sound like an idiot because I do a semi-stupid laugh, besides, I counter that with my badassness, and Tib loves me.
Lincoln, I stand by my thought. Anyone who acts stupid, often, is obviously stupid. If they act stupid without a sense of power? What will happen when they have one... lots of bad things. >.>
My idea is to release games which anyone can host and put the fact that I'm not responsible for someone else's server in the MOTD... Unfortunately, I find that the people who play my games don't tend to host them.