A bit of explanation. About a month ago, someone from the SA forums wanted to share a Byond game with everyone to play and enjoy. What could be the harm? Byond wanted more people to come in, and a small exhibition on one of the largest forums on the internet couldn't be a bad thing, right?
Apparantly it is. The general feeling that I've read from the SA members is that the game is fun but the playerbase ruins it for them. On the other hand the SS13 community is under some strange notion that they're here to grief everyone. And now people seem to be taking offense that I'm hosting a server for them.
My "goon" server is not 24/7. I want it to start at 7 PM and just go for as long as people continue to play. Yes, my connection is pretty bad, and there's nothing I can do about it because it's nothing to do with my computer itself. I'm sorry. If I could fix that, I really would because I enjoy hosting.
I want people who play my server to feel relaxed when they play. I don't want people to fear getting banned just because they shot someone in the face, or blew up half the station. There will always be another round later on. I made the mistake of not adding my keyname to the MOTD so if there were problems and no admins present, the reporting of serious griefers would not be possible. My keyname is Sarm and I've been on Byond for a few years, so I'm not some random "goon" trying to trespass on anybody's territory. Over on the SomethingAwful forums they were expressing problems with trying to play on public, or "pubbie" servers because they were getting banned for stuff like trying to arrest an admin for shooting people with the revolver. That's screwed up. I wanted us to have a friendly atmosphere to play a game that some of us enjoy, including a number of people who had never even tried out Byond before. This influx is not a bad thing.
Whoever was screwing up your wiki was not a goon, but I've been told that he was spoken to and promises to leave it alone. Nobody was asked or told to do anything like that.
I want my server to be pubbie-friendly, but that isn't possible if people feel threatened and lash out at your "guest" players. Obviously, I'm not trying to purchase SS13. I don't even play the game. I'm just trying to host it.
I'm not trying to encompass all of you when I say this (because I've obviously never met all of you, and generally the worst of a community doesn't associate with the forums), but honestly I'm hearing nothing but bad things about the playerbase of SS13 when the SA members speak. On the other hand, I've always heard bad things about the players from other Byond members as well so any delusions some people have of pubbies being oppressed aren't easily believable. Look at what Proelium had to go through in order to clean up. I've been informed that one of your community members took it upon himself to try to ruin my server by constantly saving stuff to me, and now I have to try to root through my computer to see if those claims are accurate. Maybe it's my fault for running it in Trusted. Maybe it's my fault for thinking that these "victims" would be mature enough to not whine and backseat moderate that people should be banned left and right because they were bumped.
One such story that I read about involved Traitor, Live or Die mode. Apparantly the traitor knocked someone unconscious, dragged him into a locker and welded the door shut. I assume that Live or Die means that if someone is killed, they're removed from the round for good, but because someone was more or less imprisoned but left alive, they were griefed? No, that's funny as hell but not griefing in my opinion. Griefing would be an admin spawn-camping new players and creating guns for him to shoot everybody as they log in. Stuff that actually prevents the fun of players before they get a chance to have fun on their own.
I'm not always online. I've appointed three admins and I can't guarantee that they will always be online either. If there is a SERIOUS griefing problem, please take a screenshot of the incident and write a mature report, and reply here. Comments are still welcome, too. But please, just have fun with the game and ditch the "us versus them" mentality. This goes for both sides.
![]() Jun 18 2006, 7:33 am (Edited on Jun 18 2006, 8:00 am)
I spoke to an SS13 moderator, and the root of this seems to be a clash of perception of how to play a game. If SS13 were a clock, the community wants it to be well-oiled and perfect whereas SA wants to rearrange the gears into as many new shapes as possible. That's what I'm reading of this.
After being with an alliance with SA for awhile now, I think you have all the rights to host the server and change the gears. SA rocks.
Okay, I think everything will be alright now. :) Once I change my MOTD to reflect the free-for-all sandbox policy on my server, things should hopefully run fine.
SS13 is what you make it. It's a very open RPG that tends to favor action more than role-playing. Most of the forum community supports the role-playing, while the actual players just run around and kill each other.
If a staff member bans someone because that person is trying to play the game as it should be. Then, not only should that staff member be fired, but he should have a drill, drilled into his kneecaps.
Staff are so impossible to find now. Which is normally why my staff list always contains the same few keys.
Which, normally are the staff members from Icon Ultima. Being close friends, I've seen how they work and I know I can trust them. Very rarely will a project of mine go with a different person.