icon = 'fountain.dmi'
name = "stone fountain"
density = 1
fountain/MouseEntered(t as text)
src <<output("Drink")
Problem description:
I am trying to get a tab to disply on screen when the mouse enters the fountain that delivers the message "Drink" in the tab.
I can get it to work as regular text off the game screen but I would really like to use windows for this.
The only error I get with this code is "expecting 2 to 3 args, found 1" in relationship to "winshow". I left out the usr,mob,src or whatever that is shown in guides to preceed the skin name and show=. That does not work either.
I have to be overlooking something simple but now I am frustrated and asking for help.
This function does not support named arguments and their use throws the error 'expected 2 to 3 arguments (found 1)'.
^ Took that directly from the reference.