Looking For Coder
Staff Of The Game
First Owner : Megamangeo
Second Owner : Con4
Coder :
Icon Artist : Con4
Admin: WatUchiha
Admin :
Admin :
Admin : AngelicReincarnation
Admin : Alex Ovide
Sep 28 2013, 10:00 pm
Sep 29 2013, 2:35 pm
Please Post All Admin Applications Here
Name: Alex
Key: Alex Ovide Byond Entry Date: 2005 Application: Hi Megamangeo, I'm posting an application for NFFv4.2 because, one your an old friend of mine that needs help. I do consider myself a helpful person, I'm not abusive with players nor do I ignore people in need of serious help. I have a high tolerance for nubs of all ages. Position: Admin Reason: I am very helpful with regulating communities, I like to help draw more players with my caring and helpful attitude. To be cut and dry I want to play a game that I can invest my free time in and help improve the overall game. |
Key-Tassknight Byond Entry Date-2010 App-Sup Mega, I'm apply for staff here. This is why i think I'll do good: -I don't abuse -I play fair -I try to fix most problems with OOC instead of directly resorting to ban/mute/etc... -I will try my best to support the game -I will be active a lot -Finally, I think it'll be fun ^_^ Position: as far as GM to Co-Owner Why I Want The Job-Sounds like fun and i like helping people. Also i wanna play a game full of enjoyment. |
In response to Alex Ovide
I'm going for Co Owner because i'm awesome. You know what i can do already mega xD Lets not put any of our "actions" we do on skype into Byond Comments now should we xD.
Also.. Angel should we some position. Idk if you wanna giver angel co owner.. but angel is in fact.. the shit xD
byond:// (NFF Server, 0 exp 0 CD, mass weekly updates, iron and gold sand)Kage, bijuus, akatsuki, 7SM, indigo, xeveres,are all released and still need people to fill spots regular skill based, 100 knowledge scrolls to start with along with 20 SP) Come join us copy the ip and put it in the open location tab on your beyond key, sorry the hub is malfunctioning have fun :D
Name Antonio
Key Takiharu Byond Entry 2008 Reasons id like to be admin etc I wouldn't abuse players or piss them off I wouldn't do anything that could cause harm to the game Ill try to help keep up and as active as much as possible Ill try to be on as much as possible considering i do have a job :P pretty much ill use my common sense to know right from wrong Thanks |
In response to Takiharu
Pending Application.........
I know you're expecting me to say things like "I wont abuse" or "I'll be on 24/7" but the thing is, I can't be on 24/7, and if i do ever abuse, i'll just have to accept the consequences for breaking the rules. I cant promise you that i'll be the perfect GM all i can say is that i'll do my best to be up to your standards and help other players in the game. I will be responsible and respectful to other staff, and players. I will devote my role to helping in any way that i can and making sure that the game runs as smoothly as it possibly can
Name: SnakeTaills
Key(s):Sayotanishi, Christian07. Byond Entry Date(s): Aug 2, 2013. Jul 6, 2010 Application: I would like to apply for staff list for these reasons: 1-I will be fair to every one of my pupils on the game. 2-I will help everyone in need of help when needed. 3-I will not abuse my verbal commands. 4-I will be active for as long as I can. (Mon - Thu. 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (Fri - Sun. When I wake up - 12:00 AM) 5-I will backup the game as the host if the host is either grounded or in the hospital, or in any reason not able to host. 6-And my last statement, I will be respectful to anyone and everyone. Position:Admin Thank you. |
Hello I'm Shadow, Key: Dessashoku
I want to be Admin because i can help other Admins deal with players that abuses. I'm Very trust worthy, I don't abuse, Treat all Admins with respect. All players will be treated the same. I don't abuse verbal commands or my verbs that I receive.And I will be active everyday Monday-Sunday each time. Thanks for your time. I hope you let me become Admin to help both players and Admins.Thanks for your time. |
Can I Please be unban i got ban yesterday for nothing. I've been waiting for so long to find a game like this and when i finally find one I get ban the same day. I didn't do anything to get ban the Person (Royed) when he ipbanned me even said it was an accident... Please unban me.
In response to Dessashoku
Dessashoku wrote:
Hello I'm Shadow, Key: Dessashoku I'm Very trust worthy, I don't abuse, Treat all Admins with respect. All players will be treated the same. I don't abuse verbal commands STAHP COPYIN MAH WRITIN. COM UP WIT UR OWN WORDS. I COPYRIGHT "Verbal" "verbal" "VERBAL" and ANY CAPITALIZATION OF VERBAL. BEETCHES. |