I've decided to open source all my projects. Alot of people will just click this as soon as they see "Open Source" so they think they can rip everything off, some people might click this post because they remember me and some games I made. Well, anyway i've decided to release the stuff that I have done in my time on BYOND for download since I no longer use BYOND. Had alot of fun on it but it's time to go and i've been annoyed at BYOND for taking up space on my hard drives. BYOND was pretty fun but it's time for me to go. Just a side note, this code is UGLY! It's terrible code written when I had very little knowledge of DM and basicly there All "Hack-jobs". I included a small readme to read in case you want to contact me but I would suggest reading it anyway.'sProjects.rar
So this time you won't be coming back?* :'(

Well, good luck on whatever adventures you run into and wherever you decide to go :)


Maybe one day we'll end up in the same dev team and not even know it.