I'm jamming hard on a new idea. Salvaged some code from the current project, none of the graphics, though, are going to survive. Slapping together some open-source graphics with some of my own.
Hint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsMKOx6fumc
That video made my day.
Unfortunately I've had essay's and assessments all week so I haven't had much time for DM. Not too optimistic about getting an entry submitted but I can't wait to see the final results of the submissions. |
Day 6 -
Day 6 was much better to me than day 5. Added more decorative items to the map generation (it's looking better and better! just needs some more variety), added one of the first non-player mobs and drew artwork for some others, and improved efficiency by plugging in Deadron's EventLoop library. I also straightened out my layering. The game uses around 40 layers of elements (6 of which belong to the player mob!), but I was sort of going along entering layer information pretty loosely based on estimates and arbitrary additions/subtractions to the defined layers (EX: MOB_LAYER+15 for one element, MOB_LAYER+20 for another, etc.), but that ended up (obviously) resulting in layering issues. So, I made myself a list of every element, placed them in the order they should be layered, figured out how many layers each element needs to reserve (again, the player mob takes up 6, but other elements also take up their own ranges), and assigned them all specific numbers. Problem solved! Today's agenda involves mobs, mobs, mobs. I've so far designed 6 of them on paper, but haven't gotten very far in actually creating them. What's left? Well, I feel like I'm getting close, or that I've made a lot of progress, but when I reflect on it and make myself a mental list, the remaining tasks are not a trivial matter...lol 1) I've got to finish up the mobs (artwork and programming, including their animate() effects, behavior, interactions with the player, etc.) 2) Finish the HUD (the important element is in and working; I just need to add some secondary elements, and perhaps a nice frame for the whole thing) 3) Finalize the skin (I'm currently using a rudimentary interface that isn't much different than the default; but for the released version of the game, there will be no verbs and no text input/output elements, it will just be the map) 4) Program all necessary functions that will actually make this a game (it currently looks pretty, and it's fun to move around in the environment, and the most important stat along with the means of displaying and adjusting it are in place, but ultimately the objective is not programmed, nor even fully decided...lol) 5) It needs a landing screen for login/between runs (part of yesterday's "wasted" effort might help me with this, though). 6) It needs some form of instructions. I may end up having to just have an outside document (or the hub page description) explain the gameplay, rather than have something in-game. But this is time-dependent. If there's enough left before the deadline, I'll stick the instructions into the game (maybe via a toggle-able interface element, I dunno) 7) It needs a NAME! lol It's got a definite theme, in a specific environment, and the gameplay objective (while not entirely finalized) is pretty narrow, so you'd think that settling on a name should be easy. Well, maybe it will be, and I just haven't put enough thought into it yet, but so far, the project is just named "500contest"...lol 8) And here goes the million other little details that I'm just not thinking of at the moment, but will likely rear their ugly little heads in a week from now...lol Well, thankfully, I still have that week. I shudder to think what would have become of this if we had the 7-day deadline (much less the original 4-day...lol) [Edit:] And I forgot to add Sound to the List. That's a big one. |
Orange55 wrote:
Day 6 I really like the little stylized characters in this. Very nice :) |
Ok so stuff irl happened and I more or less beginning now and I feel like my first idea is a bit out of my pay grade. :(
Might have to resort to some bodily fluid jokes and Barry White music. My initial idea was to make forum account's 3D lust come true as seen in this picture: here. But using normal square icons and rendering them in real-time. Fiddling with Ter's trapezoid code is pretty much all I did before realizing this might be too much work given the time table. |
You could go Doom style Jittai and just make it 2d sprites laying on top of each other, and scale them with animate() and matrix() to mimic 3d.
Wouldn't be as difficult, but maybe it will help you figure out some functions that would be useful for the 3D idea later on. Kinda like a stepping stone. In hopes of helping you finish. |
Akando5959 wrote:
You could go Doom style Jittai and just make it 2d sprites laying on top of each other, and scale them with animate() and matrix() to mimic 3d. You could do walls only, no floors. You'd have to break up walls into vertical strips then cast a ray for each row of pixels on the screen to determine height of the wall at that pixel. |
Both true, hm. I don't know there's still stuff irl that I have to do - I'll still get something done it just might me much different/simpler.
Haven't had a chance to work on anything for a few days. Got a somewhat decent map generated. And yeah, I'm mostly going for 'Exploration'
![]() |
@Makeii: Lookin' good. If you're using per-pixel collisions, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
@D4RK3 54B3R: When are you going to show off some of your work?! >:| Blow my mind, brah.
@Orange55: Reminds me of a "horde mode" kind of game, which I generally approve of! Artwork is relatively simple, which is fine, and I'm digging the animations and fast-pace gameplay. Looking forward to that as well.
@Ter: A shame your original idea wasn't what you were wanting, I was looking forward to it based on the information you shared. On the plus side, even if you wasted a week, you can always continue working on the game after the contest. :)