Stop responding to Sorcerb's threads*. He ignores you guys, so ignore him back.

*Except JP, he can because he derives physical pleasure from it. It's okay. You can tell people. It's not wrong to like those sorts of things, JP. :)

Also, Rockinawesome and Vito Solidus are the worst sort of American. =( They shouldn't be allowed the daily air their breathe.
But it's fun... :(
Thanks you for your kind exception, Elation. :)

I agree with you about Vito and Rockinawsome, incidentally. More right then Hitler?

:) I thought it was fun too...yesterday
Ah, but that doesn't go as far into in-depth analysis as id:464510. :)
1. I'm not reading that whole stupid thing.

2. I did read it.

Sarm, don't believe him. I know you don't, but how can he even IMAGINE that people would believe he read it, while you still doesn't understand the slighest thing of DM? =/

Hey, guys- let's call him Ripiz The Second, or Ripiz II. >_>
Am I a good American?
You're definitely in the band of good ones.

Not because of whether I like you or not (although I do <3), but for what your opinions are and such.
What about me? :('re a good one too. ¬_¬
What about m- er wait. nevermind.
Am I a good American?
i'd rather not know, but out of curiousity, i'll ask anyway?

Am I not a good American?
I'm a good kind, right Ela :-(
Solbadguy: Debatable. You gain points for not being a moron, at least. =P

Justin B:
I'm a good kind, right Ela :-(


Everyone, come to me so I can rate you as to how good you are at being a freakin' citizen of your own country. >_>
If I was fat i'd be a good american. All good americans are loud and fat

*I know this is a stereotype, but to anyone who's never been to america, it's very true, we are generally very loud, fat, and

well ignorant.
True dat. I watched the American version of Wife-swap today. lol @ fat racist family
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