Is it possible to add a feature where Dream Daemon can go into the Task Bar (Next to clock)? This would save room on my program bar (Between Start and Task Bar) because some people host more than 1 server and it gets very annoying. Also, can you make it so that 1 Dream Daemon load up will be able to host several servers? This would save those that use more than one Dream Daemon server the hassle with numberous programs of the same type from running.

Thanks for anyone who reads this and agrees.
In response to Polantaris
Apparently the "list" has a 6+ year waiting list. I don't think it would take that long to put in if they actually put some priority on it during that time. I read earlier in this thread that you can do this with third-party programs.
In response to Justin Knight
Yeah but it would be so much easier if they did it, and it should take 20-30 minutes most.
In response to Polantaris
it would be so much easier if you used a third party taskbar program (many small free ones out there), and requires no change to the code at all! saves them the very same 20-30 minutes you hope they will need to work on that minor feature, which can be applied to more important features.

plus you get a program that can be used for all software, not just BYOND.
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