Keywords: angst, girl, work
Fun updates:

  • Coast Mountain Bus sent me the rejection letter. I'm not overly bothered by it, honestly, because I figured it was a pipe dream to get in anyway. A job that would give you enough money to put you through a BS in Computer Science with just two years' wages simply doesn't happen to most people. Nonetheless, it would've been nice to live my life without having to buy student loans and be in debt to Uncle Harper for the next 15 years...
  • Girl #3, aforementioned a long while ago, is appearing frustrated that I haven't asked her out. I like her; she's cute, and though I really don't know her all that well, she seems to have a down-to-earth attitude, and ample intelligence that is covered by a sweet modesty. Nonetheless, I still don't feel completely comfortable asking her for a date because I don't feel completely single -- I am single, but I feel like I'm on the fringe of not being single and I'd hate to violate that by pursuing an impulse that might not even go anywhere. There's even a Girl #4 I'm interested in now, which makes things worse (though Girl #2 is no longer an issue, at least).
  • Medical problems in the family: brother, maternal grandmother, paternal grandmother. Maternal grandmother: food poisoning and viral infection. Paternal grandmother: cancer. Brother: details withheld, though it's the most serious and the one I'm coping with the least well.
It would be rude to ask if your brother has something wrong "down there", like what happened to me...
Anyway. Hoping everything goes over well for you.
Sucks about the medical problems. Actually kinda sucks for all your post.
Best wishes on the health of your family. The other stuff is just life.
Cancer is the ugliest disease I've ever had the displeasure to witness. I think a part of me died, having to watch my grandmother slowly die away, and I would never wish that same fate on anybody else, especially anyone who has a close bond with their grandmother. The best of luck to you and your family.