Hello. I am trying to get Away Missions to work on my private server that me and a friend play on. So far I've gathered that you need to somehow set it up manually in-game to use it. And from random clicking on it I have gotten a message saying something along the lines of "Error: No destination found".
At the beginning of the game I see in red "Searching for away missions...
No away missions found"
EDIT: I managed to load the away mission, finally. But the gateway still gives me "Error: No destination found"
So could I get some insight (AKA a tutorial) on how to work this gate and start exploring new worlds? Thanks.
Sep 20 2013, 7:42 pm (Edited on Sep 21 2013, 6:12 pm)
Nov 2 2014, 5:01 am
I have the same exact problem... If I find a solution I'll post it here... If you stil have the problem.
Gateway has a time it takes until it's availible, I believe it is in your config.txt.
In response to Laser50
Laser50 wrote:
Gateway has a time it takes until it's availible, I believe it is in your config.txt. Nope, dont see it. Even did CTRL + F Gateway, and CTRL + F Awaymissions - away missions - away mission |