I would like to know if it is worth it to buy the book, since i absolutley love BYOND Dream MAker. But i dont want the book if it is like the help files, ....impossible to understand. I only want the book if it will actually teach me stuff about the dream maker program and how to do extremly complicated codes...
Also, I would like to know, if I get the book, and it does not help me, is there somewhere i can go or someone i can email to get help?

So is it worth getting the $20.00 book for what i am looking for?
Do you think BYOND will last over the years?
Do you think BYOND's future is good?
Thanks for answering my questions.....
I would like to know if it is worth it to buy the book, since i absolutley love BYOND Dream MAker. But i dont want the book if it is like the help files, ....impossible to understand. I only want the book if it will actually teach me stuff about the dream maker program and how to do extremly complicated codes...

Personally, I love the book. I don't know if I'd say it teaches extremely complicated coding, but it gives you the knowledge you need to understand how things work--after that, you just make the code complicated by combining lots of small simple things!

Also, I would like to know, if I get the book, and it does not help me, is there somewhere i can go or someone i can email to get help?

These Forums are a great place to get help.

So is it worth getting the $20.00 book for what i am looking for?

Mine is indispensible... I laminated the cover and have a hundred notes in the margins. Plus, since BYOND itself is free, getting the book is a nice way to let those Dantom folks know you care!

Do you think BYOND will last over the years?
Do you think BYOND's future is good?

I sure hope so! I've been having a ball with it. It's a great, innovative, versatile product--the question is whether the world will beat a path to its door. Considering that we have a decent-sized user community and Dantom hasn't even advertised the product yet, I'd say the prospects look promising.
In response to Gughunter
Also, the FAQ contains a lot of information that will help you. In fact, it has a section on how to get help: BYOND_FAQ.html#figuring-things-out
But i dont want the book if it is like the help files, ....impossible to understand.

I won't answer your other questions, as I have a vested interest! But in response to this, I can say that the book is not a mere copy of the online help files. It is honestly a lot better.

I hope to get some time in the near future to spruce up the online help. It takes a lot of work to write good documentation--especially when you are documenting a moving target. That's why we decided to write the book from scratch, rather than base it off the online documents, which predate many of the modern features in the language.

Second to the excellent and growing group of DM programmers who are working with the BYOND system, the documentation will play an important role in BYOND's future. That's why comments like yours above confirm my opinion that those documents could use another round of editing.

--Dan of Dantom

In response to Gughunter
we have a decent-sized user community and Dantom hasn't even advertised the product yet, I'd say the prospects look promising.

( i dont know how you are getting the new members. i got the address off a search engin that is not up anymore. i tryed some searches on yahoo and ncbi but i could not find byond anywhere... i knew where it was i was just wondering how much they were advertizing it....)

In response to jobe
On 5/1/01 3:15 pm jobe wrote:
we have a decent-sized user community and Dantom hasn't even advertised the product yet, I'd say the prospects look promising.

( i dont know how you are getting the new members. i got the address off a search engin that is not up anymore. i tryed some searches on yahoo and ncbi but i could not find byond anywhere... i knew where it was i was just wondering how much they were advertizing it....)

It's listed on the dmoz directory...but they are not doing anything active to advertise it yet. That is coming Real Soon Now.

When we get the 1.0 version of DragonSnot done, we'll probably do some advertising things for that particular getting it listed on appropriate game sites.
On 5/1/01 1:28 pm FIREking wrote:
So is it worth getting the $20.00 book for what i am looking for?

The book is extremely well written, in English, no less. Full paragraphs and everything! The little footnotes are highly entertaining. And useful. And insightful.

I started learning DM by reading the first several chapters of the book. Until then, the online reference was mostly gibberish to me. The book made it all very clear and sensible.

In short, I would have gladly paid over $20 more than what I did for the book. If only all programming language books were written so well!

Do you think BYOND will last over the years?

Absolutely. It's been around for about 6 years now, and I can say with confidence that Dantom will fight to the death to keep BYOND alive rather than face the alternatives. If it comes to that, which I don't believe it will.

Do you think BYOND's future is good?

I still contend that if the graphics and a few other things get a major facelift in the next version, BYOND has the potential to be the premier game development platform that all the big game companies will use in the future. Not to mention all the non-game multi-user network program possibilities. It's just so much easier than mucking around with C/C++/assembly/etc.
In response to Dan
On 5/1/01 1:54 pm Dan wrote:
But i dont want the book if it is like the help files, ....impossible to understand.

I won't answer your other questions, as I have a vested interest! But in response to this, I can say that the book is not a mere copy of the online help files. It is honestly a lot better.

I hope to get some time in the near future to spruce up the online help. It takes a lot of work to write good documentation--especially when you are documenting a moving target. That's why we decided to write the book from scratch, rather than base it off the online documents, which predate many of the modern features in the language.

Second to the excellent and growing group of DM programmers who are working with the BYOND system, the documentation will play an important role in BYOND's future. That's why comments like yours above confirm my opinion that those documents could use another round of editing.

--Dan of Dantom

Dan, you're really clever. I like how you said "documenting a moving target". Genius! =)

Getting my two bits in, the BYOND book is both readable, complete, accurate, and in plain English. Though some of the newer features haven't been documented in it (since it costs a couple hundred to a thousand dollars to reprint books, unless you're related to someone =), otherwise, it is the most valuable tool you can have.

My testimonial was

"Dammit, you're not getting any younger, buy this book!"

but they refused that one, because of the word Dammit and because it sounds like I'm pushing for you to buy, and testimonials are supposed to be a summation of its quality. Of course, I can't think of any other phrase to say that it has more quality than that one. =)

So, yes, the book is worth $20.00. I had to pay some $50 CDN to get my replacement book, even, and the exchange is only $35 (the other $15 was the money order... God bless "free" trade!).

(Don't ask what happened to my first. Just don't.)

As for the Guides online, if you're really pressing for a period of confusion, then by all means, look at 'em. =)

I'm writing up my own Teach Yourself BYOND in 21 Days tutorial, but since that's a pretty big project it won't be done for a while. I'd make that free, but until then (at least a year) the book would be your best bet. In fact, the book would be your best bet anyway, if I do say so myself.

This might be of note; I have a flood of tutorials coming, but I haven't uploaded them yet, and most of 'em aren't completely finished. Among them are a debugging tutorial (which should be useful!), a statpanels tutorial, an explanation of the logical and bitwise operators, a newbie Quick Start tutorial world, a database of the procs and a quick description of their function, and a complete lexicon of BYONDspeak.

I've also compiled massive databases of medieval weapons, spells, professions, classes, stats, monsters, food, clothing, etc. The point of them aren't to give you stats, but rather, to give you names, so you can visualise them yourself. Those will probably be uploaded all at once when I feel I'm done with them.

<small>And though I didn't advertise it when I uploaded it a few days ago, feel free to check out my discussion on an armour system within the Tutorials section. But since I don't make any real effort to explain the code beyond the commenting, you're on your own if you don't get it! =)</small>
In response to Spuzzum
On 5/1/01 4:51 pm Spuzzum wrote:

As for the Guides online, if you're really pressing for a period of confusion, then by all means, look at 'em. =)

This comment disturbs me a bit. I realize that the guide and reference are quite outdated, but I was hoping that they would at least help rather than hinder the new user. We can't expect everyone to buy the book, so I hope the free documentation, tutorials, and reference are enough to at least get them started. The alternative (which we have been discussing) would be to put a version of the book online, which I somewhat object to on capitalistic grounds.
In response to Tom
This comment disturbs me a bit. I realize that the guide and reference are quite outdated, but I was hoping that they would at least help rather than hinder the new user.

Oh, I think they do. The Guide in particular was very helpful for me when I was a wee Dream Toddler.
In response to Gughunter
On 5/1/01 5:21 pm Gughunter wrote:
This comment disturbs me a bit. I realize that the guide and reference are quite outdated, but I was hoping that they would at least help rather than hinder the new user.

Oh, I think they do. The Guide in particular was very helpful for me when I was a wee Dream Toddler.

Oh, don't get me wrong, the Guide is all right. I was referring to it as a comparison to the book, though; and compared to the book, it's in Swahili. I must not have made that clear. =)
In response to Tom
On 5/1/01 5:10 pm Tom wrote:
The alternative (which we have been discussing) would be to put a version of the book online, which I somewhat object to on capitalistic grounds.

How about this idea? Make it available through a BYOND world that the user must be logged into with a valid key that has already paid for access. It wouldn't be downloadable, but simply viewable while logged in to prevent mass copying and spreading all over the internet. Not sure if you could prevent select/copy/paste of the text itself, but it's something to think about.
In response to Air Mapster
I would like to say thanks to all of you who put in an opinion. I am getting the book in the next couple of weeks. Thank you so very much, stayed tuned for more games coming from me, Im pretty sure ill be here a while now.......
I would like to say thanks to all of you who put in an opinion. I am getting the book in the next couple of weeks. Thank you so very much, stayed tuned for more games coming from me, Im pretty sure ill be here a while now.......
In response to FIREking
On 5/2/01 11:34 am FIREking wrote:
I would like to say thanks to all of you who put in an opinion. I am getting the book in the next couple of weeks. Thank you so very much, stayed tuned for more games coming from me, Im pretty sure ill be here a while now.......

Um, only one post is necessary. ;-)