In Case you do not want to see my work of art containing the rules....I have been kind enough to type it out. Enjoy!
Player Rules:
1. No AFK Training is Allowed.
2. Do NOT Death Avoid by logging off.
3. Do NOT Avoid the Filter.
4. Do NOT Ask for edits unless you are bugged.
5. Multikeying is NOT Allowed.
6. Be respectful to other players and Admins
7. Do NOT Abuse bugs report them immediately.
8. Do NOT Safe Zone Attack.
Consequences for Rule Violations are:
Warning, Boot, Ban
GM/Admin/Owner Rules:
1. DO NOT Edit yourself or others unless it is a bug fix.
2. Do NOT Disrespect Players.
3. Do NOT Abuse your powers.
4. You Are required to follow All Player Rules as well.
Consequences for Rule Violations are:
Warning, Demotion, Ban
Your Main Staff Heirarchy and Positions:
Main Coder/Owner: Nato
Publisher/Co Owner: Fon
Iconner/Co Owner: Grim
Mapper/Co Owner: Reborn
Host: Cam
There are others not listed but they are just as important I just cannot remember their names.