Anyone else notice there seems to be a few people here who refuse to allow anyone else to recieve praise and enjoy what they have done without raining on their parade with criticisms and what not.

The best example of this, but by no means the only, is Cinnon. Sorry to single you out, but not only have you insulted me today (which you feebly claimed was 'sarcasm' and not intended as in insult, well look the damn word up and see what it means).


But, I just saw him hassle someone for being unorigional in their newbie game?!? Need I point out Cinnon is working on a DBZ game that wasn't even origionally his?

I'm sorry, but I've had enough of newbie bashing and hassleing people. These are supposed to be games, which, last time I looked, were played for fun.

Vents Steam
YEAH!!! Who cares tiles aren't yours if you can put them together to look good and code a great game I think thats great
That's all well and good, but couldn't this stand to be in Babble?


As far as your actual point goes, I feel that it is a valid one--but there's something to be said for the reverse, as well. Your newbie game is just that--a newbie game. No one expects it to have highly detailed hand-drawn graphics for anything, or a mind-boggling array of features, and it's pretty silly to complain about the lack of these things. On the other hand, I think it's equally silly to start getting star-studded visions at first glance of a newbie game. I mean, I've walked into very very early alpha games that consisted of a couple of different generic turfs and a default world mob with a generic icon and a say verb, and seen people going "Wow this game is gonna be soooooo cool!" There's nothing wrong with showcasing what you're doing, at any stage of development--if you've got 0.05% of a game done, and it's a good, working 0.05%, then congratulations--you're 1/2000th of the way to a great game! But sometimes people can get pretty far ahead of themselves. My current project Delve! is in fact the 2nd project I ever started, following an early attempt which I scrapped after half a day of work. Since then I've only started 2 other projects, both of which I scrapped after less than a full day of work, and in the meantime, all my work developing in BYOND has been bent towards this one single game. Granted, I don't exactly have the world's greatest work ethic--but that's still a solid 3 month block, a couple hundred hours of actual work in all, on one continuous project... a lot of people will recommend going back and starting over at least once on a project like this because of how much you end up learning, and I've tried once or twice, but never got very far--for the most part I've just revised as I went. And I've done a lot of revising. Outside of a few common definitions, I'd be surprised if any of my core code actually still reads the way it started out as. There are things that I put in when I first started that I thought were just the coolest features in the world, of which now I am genuinely embarrased at how cruddy and poorly done they were. Creating a quality game is something which involves a mind-boggling amount of work, even for the simplest, most basic game. It's perfectly healthy to stand back every now and then and just admire what you've done--every little accomplishment, whether trivial or grand, is worthy of your pride and admiration. But try and keep things in perspective, even though it's often difficult--and will only get more and more difficult as you get further and further along. You've taken a few solid, steady first steps towards making a game world, and this in and of itself is indeed an accomplishment, as the first steps you take are often the hardest... but while still an accomplishment, it's far from a bona fide, completely playable and replayable game.

I've turned this into more of a self-analysis thing from your original complaint on the levels of criticism many veterate DM'ers often have. But the same ideas I outlined above apply just as much when you're analyzing other people's games. It's very important in any sort of creative work to recognize the difference between what something is and what it could be, and to be able to appreciate both.
I would prefer not to see "steam venting" directly against one or another programmer on these forums. If you have a specific problem with a specific someone, please direct them an e-mail.

If you want to say simply, "I hate it when praise can't be allowed to stand on these boards without someone chiming in with negativity," that's fine. That's a message for all of us. But I would prefer personal attacks be kept just that -- personal.

On 7/14/01 10:17 am Botman wrote:
Anyone else notice there seems to be a few people here who refuse to allow anyone else to recieve praise and enjoy what they have done without raining on their parade with criticisms and what not.

The best example of this, but by no means the only, is Cinnon. Sorry to single you out, but not only have you insulted me today (which you feebly claimed was 'sarcasm' and not intended as in insult, well look the damn word up and see what it means).


I'm sorry, but I've had enough of newbie bashing and hassleing people. These are supposed to be games, which, last time I looked, were played for fun.

<font color=red>Vents Steam</red>

BotMan, I don't have a problem with you or anyone else here. But you obviously have a problem with me. As I said, that post I made was merely for self amusement (in Babble, nonetheless)(I know I didn't say it like that before, but that's what I meant. Maybe sarcasm was the wrong word).

But, I just saw him hassle someone for being unorigional in their newbie game?!? Need I point out Cinnon is working on a DBZ game that wasn't even origionally his?

When was this? The only time I did this was in Seto's game. I was pointing out that he had given the name of it "Harvest Moon something" right after Lexy had talked to him about that. And your right, it's none of my business either way, especially since I'm working on a completely unoriginal game.

BotMan, you've gotten the wrong idea about me. I'm not a newbie basher, I don't have a problem with newbies. As I said about the graphics, I also do that (take them from RPGMaker).

If it helps to straighten out this ordeal, I'll be glad to delete that post I made under Nadrew's topic, and I simply won't reply to anything having to do with you or your games.
