World of Sarm (Tentative title)
In this Action RPG type of game (AKA the monsters stand there until you macro the attack verb to spam them) a land of uninspired fantasy is born! See, Mother Action and Father RPG thought the pull-out method was a safe way to have intercourse but since Father RPG relies on a turn-based command system he was unable to do anything until Mother Action had completed her round. By then it was too late. Unlike most games that exist today, World of Sarm is taking bold new steps to define it as a quality game.
All stat gains will be entirely random, independant of whatever class you play. This is to encourage diversity and the feeling that there is always someone else who can be stronger than you, giving the player incentive to continue to level up and possibly become stronger over time.
People are not permitted to leave town unless they are in a group of at least 7 members. This is because World of Sarm favors grouping over solo play. Should the number of people in a group fall under 7, then the party is disbanded and every player is considered to be deceased and must begin again. Pick your party members wisely.
Monsters scale in power depending on how many people are in your group. To promote the feeling of danger in the world, if your character dies then he is gone for good. All experience, gold and items obtained are lost forever. This is done so the player is watchful with his character and does not wander about carelessly on the overworld.
Here is an overview of the available classes.
This is a dwarven fighter. He is a dwarf because he's fat and he has a long beard, two traits that are exclusive to the dwarven kingdom, which makes a living by living in caves and picking at stones with tools to break them into smaller stones. He starts with above average strength and defense. This, on top of his heritage, makes him the perfect choice for noobies because you have to admit that picturing a dwarf running around shouting "I PWNED YOU!" is very amusing when it comes with a thick Scottish accent.
Wearing his FAAABULOUS royal purple silk robes with a street magician's rod with a basketball glued to the end, this master of the arcane art of metrosexuality drops like a fly when it comes to taking damage, so he cannot go toe to toe against monsters like the fighter. However, he more than makes up for that deficiency by summoning the elements to create powerful spells to obliterate enemies. He is best kept in the back row, or he would be if my game had rows in the first place. You'll just have to settle with praying that the random number generator decides to not take a dump all over your character.
The anime girl! With her big, reflective eyes and rosy cheeks seared into her head with the use of an iron, this otaku wonder is well-versed in the ways of healing her comrades. She better, because in most RPGs healing is the only thing the female gender normally does well, and any instance otherwise comes with an overpowering personality of "Look at me breaking the mold I'M A GIRL WHO WON'T HEAL YOU!" Since healing is her only specialty, she is somewhat proficient in the ways of battle. The anime girl has been known to, on occasion, slash enemies to ribbons with her dagger-like chin so buying weapons is unnecessary for her.
Note: All players who are female according to their key will automatically become the Anime Girl class. No other option is allowed to preserve the upholding of conservative gender values.
A game just isn't a game without the option to pick a non-humanoid character, and World of Sarm is no exception with the Babyphon! This super kawaii (^_^) ass-kicker flaunts his lack of humanity by mixing some attributes of the fighter with that of the wizard, while he never does either very well. Odds are that if you see a player using this class, there's a good chance he doesn't believe himself to be human anyway. The special attribute that sets the Babyphon apart from the rest is his innate ability to fly in the sky. I haven't programmed that into the game yet and it's likely I never will, so you'll have to settle with a half-baked teleportation list and let your imagination do the work.
The Fangame Icon Rip is a class that tries to make up for a lack of unique ability by trying to do everything at once. Depending on your luck with level ups, this may turn out to be a very good class or a bad one. If you end up raising him poorly, you can just restart and try again. After all, if a player begins to expect constant rewards for hard work in mindless grinding, he's obviously a lazy gamer who doesn't know what it's like to play a REAL game. Realisticly, this is the part where I begin to run out of class ideas and I didn't want to
Here is some concept art of the game in action.
Currently hiring:
Icon Artists
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