Is there an online shop for Byond? Also how long usually does it take for the blue book to get here? Why do they call it the Blue Book because its Blue?
Blue Book [edited out, link went broken.]
I believe.
Valderalgx wrote:
Is there an online shop for Byond?

The BYOND Shop is for people, besides Dantom, to sell their wares through the BYOND e-commerce system. For example, if you managed to expand into a corporate venture for your game and printed some iron-on tee-shirt labels, you could sell those labels through the BYOND Shop, and you would handle all of the shipping and handling yourself.

Also how long usually does it take for the blue book to get here?

Depends on where you live. In the 'States, it's shipped priority mail, so it should arrive sometime within a week, giving a lot of leeway; half a week or so, at most, usually. Internationally (yes, that includes Canada) it has to go through air mail and customs, so it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. I got my second one eight days after I ordered it, I believe. Don't remember how long my first took.

Why do they call it the Blue Book because its Blue?

Yes. You realise you answered the question within the question itself? ;-)