
when the debugger tells you of an error, it should high light the line it is talking to. it already says the number, why not show which line that is.

if there is more than one error, just highlight the line closest to the top.

also, i know i could just put //line 290
but i'm to lazy to do that.
Just click on the will take you right to the line.
In response to Xzar
One thing to remember with the debugging system in byond; When you get it to highlight a line by clicking the error, it highlights the line where the error -occurs- not where the error -starts-. So if your getting an error, and its a halfway complex code, then theres a good chance that the errors not on that line, but in the lines that -point- to that line..

Just thought Id clarify, took me a little thought to figure that out myself..

In response to Elorien
Elorien wrote:
One thing to remember with the debugging system in byond; When you get it to highlight a line by clicking the error, it highlights the line where the error -occurs- not where the error -starts-. So if your getting an error, and its a halfway complex code, then theres a good chance that the errors not on that line, but in the lines that -point- to that line..

Just thought Id clarify, took me a little thought to figure that out myself..


Yeah,like if you leave out a ) in one line of code it can cause errors on 10 lines below that line and the problem line wouldn't even be counted. But I have learned when I get a big error start at the line before the first error listed and edit one line compile..repeat till fixed.
Nebathemonk wrote:
when the debugger tells you of an error, it should high light the line it is talking to. it already says the number, why not show which line that is.

if there is more than one error, just highlight the line closest to the top.

As others mentioned, you can double-click the error to jump to it. Typically I think this is enough; the main problem is that most people don't no about it! To fix this, I added the statement "(Double-click on an error to jump to it)" when errors or warnings are reported.