Another thing about the icon procs, you can't (afaik) save the transform'd icon. If you saved the Turn()'d blue arrow's icon at any angle, it would look exactly as it does on the map. However, since atom.transform is rendered by the client, the icon is not affected.
If you want to try it out yourself on any version, here's the full source (minus the icons):
fps = 60
maxx = 2
icon = 'red.dmi'
var turn_rate = 1
var obj/a = new (locate(1, 1, 1))
var a_angle = 0
a.icon = 'arrow.dmi'
spawn for()
a_angle += turn_rate
var icon/i = icon('arrow.dmi')
i.Scale(64, 64)
i.Scale(32, 32)
a.icon = i
sleep world.tick_lag
#if DM_VERSION >= 500
var obj/b = new (locate(2, 1, 1))
var b_angle = 0
b.icon = 'arrow.dmi'
spawn for()
b_angle += turn_rate
b.transform = matrix(b_angle, MATRIX_ROTATE)
sleep world.tick_lag
Why u all bad people? -(Except Jittai! xD)