I decided to release a small alpha version of just the basic systems in place. Currently, you can choose from the three main characters; the Archer, the Assassin, and the Engineer. I have also unlocked single player arena. This means that you can currently start a match with just one player.
Current controls:
Arrow Keys: Movement
Q key: Melee attack
W key: Range attack
E key: Wall grab
1,2,3 keys: Special Attacks
Enter key: Opens and Closes chat
These controls are setup for player to use two hands.
Q: How do I change characters?
A: When a player dies they will get a screen that will allow them to switch to one of their 3 pre-chosen characters. (Currently its locked at the main 3, later players will be able to create team layouts)
Q: How do I wall jump?
A: You have to hit the 'E' key when you jump next to a wall/dense object to grab onto the wall. After that, simply jump and repeat. (Hitting the 'E' key near an edge will pull you up)
Q: I hate these controls!!! -insert rage-
A: In later version you will be able to change your keyboard layout.
Please test out the current version and leave any comments or critique down below.