DS now recognizes .dms scripts as potential "start files" when installing a hub package. This might be useful for telnet MUDs that have special scripts for BYOND users.

but you still cannot connect to a text byond with telnet yet?
speaking of which...what exactly does that mean anyway?
In response to Foomer
BYOND will never be compatible with a telnet application, atleast I doubt it. I cant really see how..although if ZMUD were to be supported in text mode it would give me inspiration to make a text based game, but 'tis not and prob will not so.

In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
speaking of which...what exactly does that mean anyway?

which (hwich, wich) pron.
  1. What particular one or ones: Which of these is yours?
  2. The one or ones previously mentioned or implied, specifically:
    1. Used as a relative pronoun in a clause that provides additional information about the antecedent: my house, which is small and old.
    2. Used as a relative pronoun preceded by that or a preposition in a clause that defines or restricts the antecedent: that which he needed; the subject on which she spoke.
    3. Used instead of that as a relative pronoun in a clause that defines or restricts the antecedent: The movie which was shown later was better.
  3. Any of the things, events, or people designated or implied; whichever: Choose which you like best.
  4. A thing or circumstance that: He left early, which was wise.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Foomer wrote:
speaking of which...what exactly does that mean anyway?

which (hwich, wich) pron.
  1. What particular one or ones: Which of these is yours?
  2. The one or ones previously mentioned or implied, specifically:
    1. Used as a relative pronoun in a clause that provides additional information about the antecedent: my house, which is small and old.
    2. Used as a relative pronoun preceded by that or a preposition in a clause that defines or restricts the antecedent: that which he needed; the subject on which she spoke.
    3. Used instead of that as a relative pronoun in a clause that defines or restricts the antecedent: The movie which was shown later was better.
  3. Any of the things, events, or people designated or implied; whichever: Choose which you like best.
  4. A thing or circumstance that: He left early, which was wise.

Huh? Where'd you get the idea he wanted a definition to which? He clearly asked for the definition of that.
In response to Lummox JR
Honestly, the least you could have done it not copy strait from the dictionary. If you're going to put a bad spin on my question, at least do it in your own words!
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
Foomer wrote:
speaking of which...what exactly does that mean anyway?

Huh? Where'd you get the idea he wanted a definition to which? He clearly asked for the definition of that.

Hmm. You're quite right. I'd post the definition of that, but I'm too tired to bother.

Lummox JR
In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
BYOND will never be compatible with a telnet application, atleast I doubt it. I cant really see how..although if ZMUD were to be supported in text mode it would give me inspiration to make a text based game, but 'tis not and prob will not so.


Why do you say that? BYOND could be compatable with telnet if graphics were not used. The Linux version of byond is text based too. I would actually like to see this sometime in the future because I have been working on a MudLib for BYOND that is turning out quite nicely.

[edit] Whoops, I had a pretty pathetic typo in there.
In response to Ebonshadow
Ebonshadow wrote:

What do you say that? BYOND could be compatable with telnet if graphics were not used. The Linux version of byond is text based too. I would actually like to see this sometime in the future because I have been working on a MudLib for BYOND that is turning out quite nicely.

Yes, this should be possible someday. Essentially you would telnet to a version of the BYOND text client that would be specially rigged to forward the relevent information to your telnet client.

The main advantage of this, of course, would be instant support for all platforms, for text games, at least.
In response to Tom
Was just a wild guess, as I havent the slightest idea how the internals of BYOND works. If it can be ported in the future, woohoo :)

Would be a great addition!

In response to Alathon
Yes, Support of text applications type Telnet access would be a huge plus! It would allow anyone to be able to play without the download of the whole package and could later do so if they want more than to simply play the games!
Great idea!!
Ummm.... i never posted this... i dont even know what the top part means... if it was me i must have been really drunk or something.. witch is doubtfull becase at that time i needed to use the library for internet..