I've always wanted to be able to set a map's Z level. Or, if there's more than one Z level in the map, then the level range. For example...
Level 1.dmp.Z = 1
Level 2 to 5.dmp.Z = 2 TO 5
Level 6.dmp.Z = 6

Or something, except not in code, but in the map editor. I don't know how much this'd be used by anyone else, but I'd use it all the time.

If not, I'd better start a Map Tag system :p
Well I'm no expert but I'm like you! Multiple files and multiple maps are the way to go for me too. Easier for colobration with others too. So far someone recommended map tags, but thats not what I'm after.

It appears when u create a new map, the older map(s) get bumped up the z chain. So if x,x,1 was the original, and u add a new map file. Then x,x,1 becomes x,x,2, and the new map take x,x,1. Just remember the order in which u add them i'm taking uncode wise its just appending them somewhere.
And when u wish to reference to a location, just remember
which x,x,? goes where.

Vortezz wrote:
I've always wanted to be able to set a map's Z level. Or, if there's more than one Z level in the map, then the level range. For example...
> Level 1.dmp.Z = 1
> Level 2 to 5.dmp.Z = 2 TO 5
> Level 6.dmp.Z = 6

Or something, except not in code, but in the map editor. I don't know how much this'd be used by anyone else, but I'd use it all the time.

If not, I'd better start a Map Tag system :p

This is a wild guess but I think the maps are loaded in the order they are included in the .dme file so I'm sure you can change the order by rearranging the included files from there.
If not, I'd better start a Map Tag system :p

I have a little lib that does this :-)

Its a really simple concept, but it works nicely.
